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Can I save a list of books? Can I email a list?

In BiblioCommons, you can add items to a “For Later”, “In Progress” or “Completed” shelf.  This allows you to keep track of items you may, are currently or finished reading, listening to, or watching.

In the Classic Catalog, you can save a list from your search results by clicking “Add to Book Bag” next to the items you want to add to your list. Once you have added items to your Book Bag, you can click the “View Book Bag” button (above the search options) to see your list. From there, you may save or send your list, or place holds on the items.

When viewing your Book Bag, click “Save Book Bag” to select formatting and sending options. If you choose to email your list, enter an email address into the “Mail To:” box, change the subject if you wish, and click the “Submit” button.