This free service (standard text rates apply) allows the library to send text message alerts to patrons about their library account. In addition, patrons can send text messages, using pre-selected keywords, requesting additional information. Patrons can receive notifications on multiple library cards of items that are ready to pick up at the library, when items are overdue and when new fees appear on their account(s). It can also be used to renew eligible items and search for available items. The service is available in English and Spanish.

Shoutbomb is a software service that allows libraries to send SMS messages to all text message enabled phones. You can reply, using pre-selected keywords, to request additional information, renew items, or carry out tasks such as renewing items.
What do I need to use the Shoutbomb service?
A text messaging capable phone that can send and receive emails as text messages is required. Text the word TEST to (844) 213-4252 or to find out if your phone is compatible with the service. If you receive a “Test Successful” reply, this indicates that your phone will work with the Shoutbomb service. Standard text message rates apply to all requests sent to the Shoutbomb service. Confirm with your cell phone service provider what, if any, rates will apply to you.
How do I sign up for text messages from the library?
Signing up for text messages from the library is easy!
- Text the word SIGNUP to (844) 213-4252 or
- When you receive a reply asking for a library card number, reply with your library card number.
- When you receive a reply asking for a PIN, reply with the PIN to your library card account.
If library card number or PIN is mistyped or a digit was accidentally omitted, you will receive an error message asking for the number once again. Make sure the number you enter is accurate and resend. If you do not receive a reply, or you receive an error message, see FAQ “What if I do not get a reply or receive an error message?” for an explanation of what to do.
How do I text to an email address?
Create a new contact and instead of adding a phone number add Give the contact a name that will be easy to remember, for example “LibraryText”. Send your text message to the newly created contact.
How do I use text commands with the Shoutbomb Service?
Text any of the commands below to (844) 213-4252 or to execute a service. Commands are not case-sensitive.
English Keyword | Spanish Keyword | Service |
TEST | TEST | Tests your connection to and ability to register for Shoutbomb service |
SIGNUP | REGISTRESE | Register for text messaging service. You will be prompted to enter your library barcode number and PIN. |
HELP | AYUDA | Detailed description of each keyword command |
HOLDS | MANTENER | Opt in or opt out of hold notices (automatically opted in when you register) |
RENEW | RENOVAR | Opt in or opt out of renewal notices (automatically opted in when you register) |
OVERDUE | ATRASADO | Opt in or opt out of overdue notices (automatically opted in when you register) |
FEES | TASAS | Opt in or opt out of notices when fees are added to your account (automatically opted in when you register) |
NOTICES | AVISOS | Current status of all your Opt In/Out services |
HL | HL | Request a list of items currently on hold |
RA | RA | Request to renew all eligible items |
RL | RL | Request a list of current items eligible for renewal |
RI | RI | Request a list of current items not eligible for renewal |
RW | RW | Request a list of reasons items not eligible for renewal |
ADDCARD | ADDCARD | Add a secondary library card to your notification account. You will be prompted to enter your library barcode number and PIN |
DROPCARD | DROPCARD | Remove a secondary library card |
IOWEU | TEDEBO | Display fines and fees on your library account |
SWITCHPHONE | CAMBIARTELEFONO | Change the phone number receiving text messages |
RESEND | REENVIAR | Resend the last message |
QUIT | SALIR | Stop this text notices service. You will be prompted to enter your library barcode number and PIN. |
What if I do not get a reply or receive an error message?
The Shoutbomb service processes all request within 60 seconds of receiving your message, however we cannot guarantee timely delivery of your message to us. Your provider is responsible for delivering your message once you send it, and a low-quality of your cellular connection may delay message transmissions. Most providers deliver the messages promptly and most responses are received within a few minutes.
A reply telling you that we could not understand your message typically means you sent a keyword in the wrong format. For example, SIGNUP is correct while SIGN UP is not. Check your spelling and punctuation and try again.
If after four hours you still have not received a reply, send the keyword RESEND. You can only use the RESEND command once per day. This limitation is in place to protect from spam messages. If you do not receive a reply after three attempts over three days, then send an email detailing your issue to
Can I choose which of the available notices are delivered by the Shoutbomb service?
By default, each notice type—holds, renewals, overdues, and fees—is turned on and eligible for delivery once you sign up. No further action is required. However, each notice type can be turned off or back on at any time after you sign up.
Each notice type has its own keyword and sending a text message with only this keyword to (844) 213-4252 or will turn each message type off. Sending the same keyword in text message again will turn it back on. See the chart above for the keyword for each notice type.
How do I manage the items I have on hold?
You will receive a notification via text message when items on hold are ready to be picked up. You have the option to reply with the keyword “HL”, which sends an abbreviated holds list. You will then receive one or more messages that contains the title(s) of the item(s) on hold. In order to save on space, the length of the titles is limited to 25 characters.
How do I request a list of items to renew?
You will receive a notification via text message when there are items to renew. You have the option to reply with key phrase RL, which is an abbreviation of renewal list. You will receive one or more messages that contain the title of the overdue items. In order to save on space, the length of the titles is limited to 25 characters. Allowing enough characters to identify the item while reducing the number of messages received.
What languages are supported?
The initial release of the software supports English and Spanish. Additional languages will be added depending on demand.
How do I report an issue?
If you are experiencing any issues with the service or you would like to make a suggestion for improvement, please text or email your comments to
How do I quit the Shoutbomb service?
Send the keyword “QUIT” to (844) 213-4252 or You will receive a reply asking for your barcode and pin number. If both are valid, you will receive a reply that the account has been deleted and no future messages should be expected.